Sunday, September 15, 2013

Religion Kills. Jesus Saves.

                   Hey guys. I hope everyone is having a great Sunday! This morning I was looking up videos to share at my youth group and I ran across this one. (watch it, it's only a few minutes :)

What was the difference between all of the other men presenting different scenarios and the very last man? The first few men only told the guy in the hole what he should do, or they only offered empty advice on how he would get out. Then they left him. Nothing was working. The man was still stuck in the hole. That was the main problem of the situation, right? This guy was dying because he was stuck in this hole and no one seemed to be able to do anything about it. Except for the last man. The last man did not just merely lean over the hole and say " Hey if you wanna get out you need to do this list of things and blah, blah, blah, blah." No, the man simply said "Do you want to be forgiven?" And what happened then, as you watched the man threw in a rope, climbed into the hole, and brought the man out. He rescued him. That's the difference between Religion and Jesus. People think that they are the same things, but like Jefferson Bethke said, "Religion says do. Jesus says done." Jesus saves. He comes into our darkness and takes us out. He gives us a new life and restores us. While Religion tells us that we have to do things in order to be saved, or be considered a good person. Jesus tells us that all we have to do is except Him. And once we do that, the beauty of life begins. Christ transforms us from the inside out, and we are never the same.

Ephesians 2:8 For it is by grace you have been saved

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