Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Greatest Love Story

   God, the creator of all things, doesn't need us at all. He can do all things by himself, but for some reason he wants us, for some reason we are considered "precious and honored in his sight" (Isaiah 43:4). The only thing we can offer to God are our hearts, which are full of sin and deceit. But somehow he loves us so much that he sent Jesus to die for us, so that his truth can be relieved, our sins can be forgiven, and we can have everlasting life. Jesus knew that we would mess up and sin daily, but he still was beaten, whipped, spat on, and nailed to the cross, so the sin we commit won't be held against us, and so that we can have a relationship with him. God's love for us is everlasting and never failing.

                        In today's world when you hear the phrase love story, you think of a boy and girl who run into each others paths and then bam, fall in love. You think of dating, kissing, holding hands, nice gifts, someone to talk to, someone who understands. As much as I love sappy chick flick movies that consists of all these things, not one of those movies can compare to the greatest love story of all time. God giving us his only son to die for all people. This whole week Consists of the days leading up to Jesus' death. Sunday was Palm Sunday, this Friday is Good Friday, and then Sunday is Easter. All of these days are so important because they're apart of this epic love story. On Sunday in my youth group we watched The Passion of The Christ. It is one of the best movies I have ever seen. All I could do was cry and sit in awe of how powerful and beautiful God's love for us is. Seeing what Jesus went through for us is such a humbling experience. I honestly fell in love with him all over again while watching that movie. I don't have a boyfriend, and I'm hoping and praying that when I do have a boyfriend he will be the only boyfriend I ever have and will later become my husband ( I don't like the whole dating game, it's to much time and energy wasted on someone you won't be with forever). But I do have a love story and it is the greatest, most beautiful, most crazy, radical, indescribable love story to ever exist. Remember that it's not just my love story, but everyone's, and I hope that as you go through this week and your life you remember what was done for you on the cross, and that God's love is the greatest love there is.


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