Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Craving Jesus. Loosing Comfort.
"Lord, help me to crave You more than I crave comfort." The Holy Spirit deposited this prayer in my spirit yesterday as I was sitting in the doctors office waiting room. I instantly wrote it down. It's funny that this very prayer that I would not fall into always being comfortable made me feel very uncomfortable. I think it's really powerful when the Holy Spirit gives you something to pray because it's not your own will or flesh, but it's God praying through you. The last prayer Holy Spirit gave me to pray was "Jesus I want to live in your heartbeat." For some reason I feel like I'm getting ready to enter into a new season, even though it feels like I've only been in this season for a short amount of time.One thing I've learned is that when the Holy Spirit gives you something to pray and you are obedient to praying that God begins to move in ways you've never experienced. When I submitted to the prayer the Holy Spirit gave me back in January, God wrecked my world with His amazing love like I had never experienced before. In just these short two months my heart has touched Jesus' heart in ways that I never knew possible. God stepped in and redeemed all of the time that I spent not giving my heart fully to Him and restored every promise that the enemy had convinced me I lost. I'm so thankful that I serve a God who never forgets or breaks His promises to us even when we forget or break our promises to Him. He is so merciful! So now I sit wondering what this next season is going to bring. I have to be honest that this prayer scares me a little. I know I'm not alone in saying that I like to be comfortable. I like feeling secure and in control, but I know that God's plan for my life is not that I feel in control or secure because of myself. His plan is that I am terrified of myself being in control and finding security in earthly things. God wants me to find security in nothing else but Him. He wants me to have no control so that I can know it is my King who has all of the control. This is so hard! My flesh fights with my spirit daily over wanting to have control. My flesh so badly wants to have security in earthly possessions. I want to have a nice career, a successful ministry, a big beautiful family, a nice house, an awesome husband, and so on. There's nothing wrong with wanting these things but the problem is that my flesh wants to find security in these things. While my flesh is fighting to find security in these things I hear the Spirit of God say "No, find security in Me." I know that this prayer is dangerous to the kingdom of darkness because when a Christian asks God to be taken out of their comfort zone miracles happen, people get saved, Satan gets crushed, and the church breaks out in revival. So of course as this prayer comes out of my lips daily, I will face spiritual warfare. I believe if there's anything the enemy wants more than unsaved people, it's Christians that are afraid to live radical lives for Jesus. My message to Satan is basically the same as Jesus' "Get thee behind me!" The devil has absolutely NO authority. This past Sunday the guest preacher at my church said something that convicted me greatly. "Fear is idolatry." If you fear something it's because you think it is powerful, which means you are worshiping it, which is idolatry. God has called us to fear Him only and to worship Him only. So with boldness I rebuke Satan and say bye to the spirit of fear. God has called me to something so much bigger than myself. He wants to know that He can have my heart fully which means I may have to go through some things that show that He does. It can be scary thinking that but I have to trust that God is sovereign and nothing happens that He does not allow. If we are always comfortable we may never know what it truly means to fully rely on Jesus. This does not mean that we should live in fear of what's to come, God is a good Father and I am learning to trust in that truth daily. I have a radical spirit, and I want to see that radical spirit overflow out of my life. I know that God has called me to preach and that He wants to push that radical spirit and birth a wave of glory everywhere I go. From what I've seen and heard giving birth is not pleasant experience, it's painful, but oh the joy that overwhelms the parents when they get to hold that baby. I think it's the same thing in the supernatural. Birthing things in the spirit realm may be painful, but the immense joy that comes when the delivery has taken place! I'm in the business of kicking Satan's butt and seeing God's people restored with the power of Jesus Christ. I'm praying right now that I will relentlessly pursue Jesus and that God takes me out of my comfort zone so that revival can brake forth. By the power of Christ in me I want to be able to don anything for Jesus! I pray that this sparks something in you guys reading this. That you will get on your faces before God and say "Jesus what do you want me to do, where do you want me to go? I say yes!" Know that when you ask God this you may get an answer that you did not expect and you may not be comfortable with it, but also know that God loves you so much and He is not going to bring you anywhere that He is not. He is your Father, your awesome Dad who is your holding your hand and is going to bring you to places you could never go on your own. I'm still learning this and even as I type God is opening my heart to His love. God may take us out of our comfort zone but He will never take us out of the comfort of His Spirit. Step out of comfort and into Jesus' heart beat today. It will reap an eternal reward that no devil in hell can steal. Thank you Jesus! -Sofia
"Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery? says the LORD." - Isaiah 66:9
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