Saturday, March 23, 2013

Happy Saturday guys! It's the first day of Spring Break! I'm so happy, finally a break from school! Last night I was reading a new book that I recently got, it's called Crazy Love by Francis Chan. It is amazing! It really helps me look into how much God truly loves us with such a radical, crazy love. It also helps me realize that we should also love him with a radical, crazy love. Last night I read the verse above in the book and this,
"Some people claim that we can be Christians without necessarily becoming disciples. I wonder, then, why the last thing Jesus told us was to make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey all that He commanded.  You'll notice that He didn't add, "But hey, if that's too much to ask, tell them to just become Christians- you know, the people who get to go to heaven without having to commit to anything."
This made so much sense to me and it helped me understand the verse above even better. Christians are what are title is to the world. The world gave us that name so we go by it. But Jesus didn't call us to be "Christians" he called us to follow him and be his disciple.  What is  a disciple of Christ?  Someone who "deny's his self, turning from his selfish ways, attitudes, sin. Taking up the cross daily, which means everyday, praying, studying the word, and seeking Christ and God's love and truth, remember Daily. So being a Christian is our label, but being a true follower Christ, devoting yourself to him with all of your heart and giving up your old ways in order to seek him is what the big picture is. It's more than just going to Church on Sunday's and reading your bible a few times a week. It is a intimate relationship and lifestyle that requires are whole self  24/7. So think about it, are you just labeled a Christian or are you a true disciple for Christ. I hope this can give you some perspective and help you to understand what Jesus truly wants from us. Our hearts, because he gave  all of himself up for us with a love so strong that death could not hold it. Have a great day guys and meditate on the scripture above, it's such an important thing to know when wanting to follow Christ.

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