Sunday, August 25, 2013

Dreaming of Grace

Hi guys! So a friend of mine had to write a paper for one of their classes in school about what it would be like to meet God after leaving out of class. I though it was amazing and worth sharing so here it is.

                                     "I awoke to a bang, everything was dark. Last I knew I had been in my first class dozed off during the lecture. I opened my eyes wide to make sure I was awake, yet everything remained pitch black. I called out the word hello and received no response. I reached to grab my phone from my back pocket, but nothing was there; not even me. It seemed that I was a type of ghost, and I was petrified. It did not feel as if I was standing on ground or in the middle of a building, the only thing I could feel was a stinging could feel was a stinging chill that would come and go. Before me an image of a lighter and razor blade appeared, which triggered painful memories of my past. The image changed to flaming wings chained to the ground. Blood oozed over the chains and they were broken, releasing the wings. The wings were no longer on fire and ascended until I could view them no longer. All of a sudden, light gradually began to surround me. I could look up, down, or to the sides but there was only light to be found; no sky, no ground, buildings, or people. Even though I was seemingly alone, I felt warmth and comfort; the piercing cold vanished. A formidable voice declared among the space, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. Be strong and courageous." With that, the light faded until the classroom was visible once again where I found myself seated as I had remembered, only now I was ready to proclaim the galvanizing words of encouragement I had received from The Lord."
 Wow. This just makes me want to praise The Lord. His grace is so abundant. I'm so thankful that this was written, it shows a glimpse of what God has to offer. The breaking of chains! Chains that bind us in grief, depression, sin, pain, or whatever it might be. By the blood of Jesus these chains can and will be broken....."If His grace is an ocean, we're all sinking."

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