Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mary's song

46-55 And Mary said,
I’m bursting with God-news;
    I’m dancing the song of my Savior God.
God took one good look at me, and look what happened—
    I’m the most fortunate woman on earth!
What God has done for me will never be forgotten,
    the God whose very name is holy, set apart from all others.
His mercy flows in wave after wave
    on those who are in awe before him.

He bared his arm and showed his strength,
    scattered the bluffing braggarts.
He knocked tyrants off their high horses,
    pulled victims out of the mud.
The starving poor sat down to a banquet;
    the callous rich were left out in the cold.
He embraced his chosen child, Israel;
    he remembered and piled on the mercies, piled them high.
It’s exactly what he promised,
    beginning with Abraham and right up to now

 I am so inspired by these verses. As you know Mary was Jesus' mother. She had just received news from the angel Gabriel that she would give birth to a son who would be a "great ruler'' and would have "no end, ever, to His kingdom." Although this at first seemed quite absurd to Mary, "34 Mary said to the angel, “But how? I've never slept with a man.” she trusted God and was ready for His will to take place in her life. "Yes, I see it all now:I’m the Lord’s maid, ready to serve. Let it be with me just as you say." Did you hear that (or in this case I guess read it) Marry said that she is ready to serve. She was ready to let go of her fears and doubts and put all of her hope in The Lord, she was ready to play out the will He had given her. I think that this is something we can all learn from Mary. Her willingness to do what God needed her to do is the exact kind of willingness God wants from us. And because Her willingness look what happened, She raised Jesus! How awesome is that! It's amazing what God can do for us once we start to obey Him. After Mary receives this news, she suddenly becomes full of joy and shares her excitement in one of my all time favorite bible verses. Mary is rejoicing in The Lord. She is worshiping Him and lifting up His name because of the wonderful things He is doing and the promises that He has kept. I love the part when she says "His mercy flows in wave after wave." God's mercy is so constant just like the waves in the ocean. It's so beautiful to think about God constantly washing us, forgiving us. I also love the end where it says "It's exactly what He promised." God doesn't change and neither do His promises. That's so comforting to think about. Saving, Blessing, and Forgiving. That's what this passage speaks to me. God saves us through Jesus, blesses us through Jesus, and forgives us through Jesus. Let's all look to Mary as an example of a willing servant who was saved, blessed and forgiven by God all because of her willingness to see The Lord's plan come through, no matter what the cost. 


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