Saturday, January 25, 2014

He Knows Me


Shining over all. -- #LyricArt for "Nothing Like Your Love" by Hillsong UnitedHey everyone! I hope you guys have been enjoying your weekend so far, I know I have. This past school week has been so busy and stressful, full of tests, projects, quizzes, homework, and a very difficult math class, I have been awaiting a relaxing Saturday. Although this week has been a hard one full of different trials and obstacles that tested my faith I have found great comfort. In the beginning of the week right before school stared I came across this verse "For the Lord is a God who knows." - 1 Samuel 2:3. I carried this verse in my heart the rest of the week. Through every stressful day, heartache, and frustration of this week this verse would come to my mind. God knows me. He knows me better than I even know myself. The God of the universe who created the stars and skies knows me. I found so much peace in that truth this week. At the end of every day I would find myself resting in the love that Jesus pours out on me and the truth that He knows me. This week also made me think of what my life would be like without Jesus. It honestly is scary to think about. What would I have done with myself this past week without the peace and hope that is found in Christ? I can't imagine. I know this, I wouldn't have found peace. It's truly amazing that we have unlimited access to a peace and love that can't fail or run out or be shaken. Although spending time with God and trusting in His truth's did not change the difficulty of my math class, the not so nice people I encountered, or the workload I was presented with, it changed my heart. His peace and comfort restored me and filled me up after such draining days. Take a minute to think about the fact that God knows you. He loves you and longs to refresh you after awful days of stress and trials. This week was tiresome but refreshing. God has drawn me nearer to Him and I've found myself wrapped in His love, which by the way is an incredible feeling. God doesn't have to love us or care about our small lives that consist of stresses and worries but He does. He loves and cares and that's so wonderful. In our pain and mistakes, God loves and knows us. Rest in that truth and take a minute to breathe and realize that the Creator of the universe is deeply in love with you and knows you better than you know yourself. 


                           Watch this awesome video to hear some awesome acoustic music by Hillsong that will definitely fill your heart. 

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