Monday, February 24, 2014


Happy Monday everyone! It's a start of a brand new week and I am finding myself feeling refreshed and ready to go. Usually on Monday's I don't feel this way. I tend to be more tired, stressed out and ready for the weekend to be here already. But I had a really refreshing weekend and God revealed a lot to me through His word that has re -sparked the fire in my heart that burns for Him.  As a teenage girl there are times when I feel the intense pressures of this world. I can find myself stressing out about all types of things. College, homework, boys, my future, what I'm going to wear tomorrow. I've also come to realize that focusing on these stresses causes me to forget how precious I am.This world is loaded with stress and pressures that will crush us and cause us to feel out of control. By focusing on them we draw away from Jesus and therefore loose heart of our worth and value. Being a girl can be a serious challenge. Especially in  today's world. The pressure is crazy and I find so many girls my age breaking under it. This past weekend I found myself slowly slipping into that pressure. I knew that my stressful thoughts didn't line up with what God had to say about me though so I decided to worship. I cranked up Oceans by Hillsong and poured out all of my worries to God. And He came through meeting me in my breakdown and picking me up. He reminded me of  how precious I am.

                     "And how blessed all those in whom You live, whose lives become roads You travel; They wind through lonesome valleys, come upon brooks, discover cool springs and pools brimming with rain! God-traveled, these roads curve up the mountain, and at the last turn----Zion! God in full view. God-Of-The-Angel-Armies, listen ; O God of Jacob, open Your ears--- I'm praying! Look at our shields, glistening in the sun, our faces, shinning with Your gracious anointing...All sunshine, and sovereign is God. Generous in gifts and glory. He doesn't scrimp with His traveling companions. It's smooth sailing all the way with the God-Of-Angel-Armies."~ Psalm 84:5-9;11-12 (The message)

We are precious. We are daughters of the God of the universe. The God who created the oceans and skies created us and loves us. We are blessed because we get to travel through this life with Jesus. We go through trials and hard times and then find ourselves coming upon "brooks, cool springs, abundance, love, forgiveness, deliverance!  Our faces shine with the gracious anointing that comes from God. This message gives me hope and opens my heart to the abundant love of Jesus. I know that I am dearly loved, and I want all of you to know that as well. God has a beautiful and amazing purpose for each of our lives and desires to pour His love out on us. So this week, as you dive into the motions of school, work, and life, fix your eyes on Jesus. Don't fall into the pressures of this world but fall into the love of Christ. You are beautiful, you are fearfully and wonderfully made, and the anointing of grace and splendor is there waiting to be poured out onto your life. Dive into it and you will find a peace and healing that goes beyond the pressures and stress of this world. Have a beautiful week , and remember because of Jesus we are free.


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