Sunday, March 16, 2014

A Day of Splendor.

Hey everyone! I hope you all have had a great weekend so far. I personally have had an absolute amazing weekend so far. Yesterday was what I would like to call a day of splendor. I started off my day in anxious excitement. I was so ready to go prom dress shopping with my best friend and then see Kari Jobe and Rend Collective in concert that night. I spent some quiet time with Jesus before I left. My prayer was just that his favor and anointing rest on us that day and that He is just glorified in our day, and He so was. I found myself noticing Him in the little things. We got to Orlando safely, found our prom dresses within an hour of being at the mall (extreme favor), got to the concert safely, found a good parking space, and drove home on a busy highway in the middle of the night safely. I see Jesus in all of this. Even though they were each just little things I see how he watched out for us, provided for us, and showed His love and glory. And then there was the concert. Beautiful, magnificent, glorious, powerful, anointing, these are just some of the words to explain the atmosphere last night. God literally changed the House of Blues into a House of Worship. It was incredible and breathtaking. There were moment when I thought I couldn't stand up any longer because the presence of God was so strong. It was altering and has left me hungry for God and His presence. Worship is beautiful. Rend Collective was amazing, they had everyone dancing like crazy and praising Jesus. It was so much fun! And then Kari Jobe just blew my mind. Jesus is so real and there is no way that you could've walked out of that room and not believe that there is a God in heaven fighting for you and loving you. Oh and did I mention that she sang in Spanish (I almost passed out it was so amazing). There were moments when I thought that the House of Blues was just going to come crashing to the ground, it was so full of God's presence and shouts of praise. Besides Kari singing in Spanish and Rend Collective throwing a huge party, one of the highlights of the night was towards the end of worship. The House of Blues is a bar and because of the kind of concert it was not many people, if any, were buying drinks. Kari Jobe said something along the lines of this. "Those bar tenders back there haven't made any money tonight, why don't we just be Jesus to them and go leave them tips even though were not buying drinks. How cool would it be if they made more money at a Christian concert than any other." At the end of the show everyone flooded the bar (including me) and handed the bar tenders money. It was literally one of the coolest thing I've ever seen. I was so blessed. People also got the chance to sponsor kids around the world with money to provide them with food and water. I got to see my best friend sponsor a child from Kenya which is so awesome! Yesterday was magical and wonderful all because of Jesus. If you ever get the chance to be in a room of hundreds of people worshiping  Jesus do it. It will change you from the inside out. 

  Sing to Him, sing praise to him; tell of all His wonderful acts. Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. ~ 1 Chronicles 16:9-10



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