"But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you." Acts 1:8
A few weeks ago my pastor did this really cool demonstration. He took a bottle of lotion and squeezed some out onto his skin. He then said "this is how some people live/view the Holy Spirit. They think it's just something that we put on and can easily take off. They allow the Holy Spirit to just gently brush them and not really take effect. The minute they leave church they think the Holy Spirit has left them and they go back to living according to the flesh and world." He then took the lotion and rubbed it into his skin. "Now this is how we should be receiving the Holy Ghost. Not as just a mere thing that comes upon you, but as The Spirit of God that fills you and gives you power and produces fruit in your life." This message really opened my eyes to how I used to view the Holy Spirit. I was squeezing on the lotion and not rubbing it in. Basically I was unaware of who the Holy Spirit truly is and what he does. But God began to deal with me and open my heart to not just merely knowing about the Holy Spirit but to being filled, empowered, and overflowing with him. Being filled with the Holy Spirit and living in constant communion with him will change your life. The Holy Spirit will empower you, lead you, comfort you, pray through you, convict you, and speak things through you and to you. When we walk in the power of the Holy Ghost we are no longer operating in the natural but we are operating in the supernatural. So much power is manifested in the works of the Spirit. Healing, prophecy, miracles, breakthroughs. This Sunday at my church a woman was brought back to life!! Literally! This isn't the work of man, these kind of things only happen with an out pour of the Spirit. These kind of things didn't just happen when Jesus was walking the earth. They happen now! That's why Jesus promised and gave the Holy Spirit. We have the same Spirit with us that enabled healing and was poured out on Jesus and the early church. It's amazing. Right before Jesus was lead into the desert to be tempted by the devil and go without food for forty days and forty nights the bible says he was "full of the Holy Spirit." (Luke 4:1). The Spirit enabled Jesus to fight temptation, hunger, and have victory over Satan. The Holy Spirit empowered Him. That truth remains the same today. The Holy Spirit empowers. So many people are playing patty cake with The Spirit. They don't realize the extreme power that is held in being filled with Him. The truth is it's time to stop playing patty cake and time to start seeking the face of God and asking for a hunger that can only be satisfied by the Spirit. Jesus told the disciples in the book of Acts that they "will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you." (Acts 1:8). Not just any kind of power, but the power to call things that are not as though they were (Romans 4:17), to shutdown the evil works of Satan, to bring healing, prophecy, deliverance, to produce fruit (Galatians 5:22), to edify oneself with speaking in tongues (1 Corinthians 14:4) , and the list goes on. The Holy Spirit is active. Jesus said "and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8) the Holy Spirit empowers us to preach the gospel. Life is all about glorifying God and sharing the love of Jesus Christ everywhere we go. The Holy Spirit enables us to go into the world and proclaim the glorious and life changing news of Jesus. How beautiful is that!? God cares so much about us that he gives us His Spirit to fill and dwell within us so that we don't have to walk in defeat but we can walk in victory and grace and lead others into that same truth. I am so thankful for these revelations that have taken place in my life. I pray that we stop neglecting the Holy Spirit in our churches and personal lives but that we realize the importance and power that comes from being filled with Him and fully embrace everything He has come to do in our lives. My encouragement to you is to pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you, lead you, and change your heart to walk in harmony with Him. I promise that when you start living attentive to and according to the Spirit your life will never be the same.