Friday, June 13, 2014

No More Buts

Hey everyone! So today I was reading  in the book of John chapter 11 where Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, and it spoke to my heart in a way that it hasn't before. I've known the story of Lazarus for as long as I can remember and any time I think about it or read it I think "wow Jesus is amazing." Today I thought the same thing but I paid closer attention to the words and through the Holy Spirit got some revelation. When Jesus goes to the tomb of Lazarus he stands in front and says "Take away the stone." John 11:39 When Jesus asks of this to be done Lazarus' sister Martha hesitates and says "But, Lord," said Martha,....."by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days." (V 39). "But, Lord." Isn't that a phrase we use so many times? "But, Lord I don't like her, But Lord, I'm not able, But, Lord, I don't have enough money, time, patience, But, Lord, it's not possible, But Lord I'm sick or unworthy. But, Lord. Sometimes we can continuously keep saying but to God. But this, but that. The thing is though is that we don't serve a God of " buts" we serve a God of "it is finished." You see after Martha said "But Lord." Jesus said "Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God." (V 40). How powerful that declaration is!! Our God is not limited. He is not disabled by the things of this world. Our situations can seem impossible, they can stink like Lazarus' tomb. But that doesn't hinder the power of God. It doesn't hinder His glory being revealed! You see what He did with Lazarus stinky situation, He cleaned it up and brought Him back to life! Literally! The same God that brought Lazarus back is the same God living inside each and everyone one of us who have received Him. He's the same God working miracles and moving mountains in our lives. If your finding yourself saying "But, Lord," stop and remember a few things. God is not incapable, He can and will work everything together for your good. God is not hindered by your, what may seem to be impossible circumstances, deny yourself, your feelings, and your "impossible" situation and speak life. Allow God to take control and the enemy will be defeated. Most importantly remember what Jesus said "if you believed, you would see the glory of God." I'm a testimony that this is so true. There have been times when I wanted to give up and when I would question and say "But, Lord, I'm not ready, But, Lord, is this real?" But I stopped those thoughts and as I began to believe I have found myself experiencing God's glory like never before. So let's stop saying "But, Lord," and let's start saying "Yes, Lord."  He is able.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

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