Hi everyone! I hope you guys have had a good week so far. God has been moving in a very new way in my life. I'm finding that my faith has increased and that doubt is creeping out. I'm learning a lot about how to see past the natural things and into the supernatural. I'm amazed at how the word of God is transforming my house hold and restoring faith in my life. It's incredible. Something God has put in my spirit recently is worshiping alone. I love to worship. Lifting up the name of Jesus and encountering His presence is like nothing else in the world. It has become an essential part of life for me. I need it. As much as I love gathering together in a room of people to lift up Jesus I've found that worshiping Him alone is one of the sweetest, heart shaping experiences there is. Usually my worship time is unplanned. I'll start off just reading my bible and then I'll read a particular verse that hits me and I find my self face down on the floor crying out to God. Sometimes I'll just be playing certain worship music and I'll start singing along and find myself being filled with the Holy Spirit. There are other times when I'll say "I just want to worship God right now." and I'll go in a room by myself lock the door and find myself so saturated in the glory of God that I can't do anything else but say His name and cry out in adoration to Him. These experiences have changed my life and shaped me into the believer of Jesus that I am today. I long to be in the presence of God. It has become a serious hunger. Worshiping God when your alone is something that I believe all of us should do. The bible tells us a lot of things about worship, one of them is "Worship opens doors to all His goodness." -Psalm 34:9 (MSG) Not only is God worthy of all our praise but when we worship Him things in our life begin to shift and the doors of His goodness open. Whether that goodness be encountering His presence, receiving a healing, prayers being answered, we can receive those things out of true and pure worship from the heart. Worship makes things happen! It is so much more than just singing that favorite song. The enemy can NOT stand in the midst of the praise of God. He has to flee. When the devil has run out of the room that's when you know some real worship is happening. "Your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth. That's the kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before Him in their worship. God is sheer being itself-Spirit. Those who worship Him must do it out of their very being, their spirits, their true selves, in adoration." John 4:23-24 (MSG). First off your worship must engage your spirit in truthfulness. If your spirit is not being engaged (aka if the Holy Spirit isn't invited into your worship) then it isn't really truthful, it's just flesh. It's all about being your self in worship and not putting on a show. If you feel like you have to run, run! Shout, dance, cry, jump, or be still. As long as it is of the spirit and not of the flesh. That's why I believe that worshiping alone is such an amazing thing. You get away from everyone else, you have no distractions or urgency to feel like you have to impress someone or act up. It's just you and God and in those moments you learn about who He is, you become acquainted with His presence, and you truly become a worshiper who seeks God. When a hunger for worshiping God forms in your life you can worship Him anywhere at any time without reservation. Church, work, in the shower, in the car, conferences, before you go to bed, with friends, strangers, with music, and without. When you're alone worshiping just you and God an intimacy is formed. It's kind of like if you're trying to deeply get to know someone, it can be hard to do that if you're constantly surrounded by other people and never have a chance to just sit down with that person and open up with them one on one. I so greatly and deeply encourage all of you reading this to not just stop at reading devotionals or a bible verse a day, but truly and deeply seek His presence. Have worship time with Him! Praise Him, sing to Him (It's okay if you can't sing neither can I but I will shout like I can for Jesus) tell God that you want to experience Him in a deeper way and that you're hungry for His presence. I promise you that He will hear you and wreck you with His awesome love. As followers of Christ we do not want to neglect the power of the Holy Spirit and the supernatural things that God wants us to experience. Let your heart, faith, and life be built up in the true worship of Jesus. In His presence restoration is found. God bless you guys! ~Love Sofia p.s. Thank you to my sister Sarah for letting me have this awesome pic of you.
"worship Him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say: "You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power." -Revelation 4:10-11 |
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