Wednesday night at campus church (Liberty University college church service) I witnessed hundreds of college guys run to the altar, get on their faces, and cry out to God. All the girls in the room reached their hands out and covered these guys in prayer as we worshipped God together. The atmosphere was majestic. I could feel in my spirit the chains of addiction, lust, and pride being broke off of some of the young men's lives. It was breathtaking. The sermon was pointed toward the guys of Liberty calling them out and telling them to step up and be the men of God Jesus was leading them to be. The ladies were encouraged to not settle for a man of this world but to make sure the guy they are committing their lives to is committed to doing nothing else but loving and serving Christ. It was a beautiful night and it really got me thinking about this verse.
"I'm an independent woman and I don't need any man in my life." "the bible is old fashioned and so are women that let their Husbands take the lead." To the world this might make sense, but to a woman of God we should run from these views. ( I am not saying in any way that women should put their worth in men and think they have to have a guy in their lives to be valuable!!!) You won't feel valuable with a guy if your worth is not yet found in Christ. The reason why wives submitting to husbands has become such a taboo in society is because society has warped what true marriage is supposed to look like. In the worlds view wives submitting to their husbands means being beaten and bossed around. It means being treated lowly. This is NOT what submitting means and this isn't what the husband being the head means. Another verse we have to check out is Ephesians 5:22. Right after wives are told to submit to their husbands as they submit to the Lord it says "Husbands love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy cleansing her by the washing with water through the word." Do we understand what loving wives like Christ loved the church means? Jesus died for the church! He gave His life, humbled himself, shed his blood, and washed us clean. Hello! This is the most beautiful, selfless love that their ever could be. And God is telling Husbands to love their wives in this way! That is so beautiful. There is no selfishness in this. The man isn't being told to beat his wife and rule over her life. He isn't being told to call all of the shots and deny everything his wife says. He is being told to passionately and sacrificially love his other half. He is being told to protect her, support her, love on her, and lift her up. Jesus didn't have an affair with the church, he died for it. Just think about that. Ladies when we are being told to submit to our husbands we aren't being told to worship at his feet and let him run everything and never speak up. We are being told to honor him, lift him up in prayer, protect and support him. This is what marriage is supposed to look like. This is the beauty of submitting. The world has clogged it's brain with images of what they think relationships are, friends with benefits, sex outside of marriage, same sex relationships. This has corrupted what the beauty of submitting in marriage means. When we submit our lives to Christ His love is lavished out on to us in such a glorious and beautiful way. Marriage is nothing more than a representation of God pursuing the church. Now I know I'm only 18 and not even in a relationship but this is something that God has just recently heavily laid on my heart. On Wednesday night I was encouraged to understand this biblical principle and God has so greatly opened my heart to it. One thing the preacher said on Wednesday is "Marriage is when a single man who has glorified God to the highest with his life and when a single woman who has glorified God to the highest with her life, come together to glorify God even more." I think this will remain in my heart for a long time. Ladies we are precious vessels and beautiful daughters of God. Christ lives in us and we deserve nothing more than a man who respects, love, honors, and prays for us all while worshipping at the feet of Jesus. I pray that God continues to keep my heart while I'm in college and that He leads me to a man that loves Him more than he will love me. This is my prayer for all of you guys as well. Whether you're in a relationship or not I pray that you realize the beauty of submitting in a Godly way. I pray that you only pursue someone who is pursuing Christ, purity, holiness, gentleness, humbleness, and reverence of the One true God. You're worth it. Love you guys and Jesus loves you even more. - Sofia
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