Friday, December 5, 2014

The Blood

 "We have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body." - Hebrews 10:19

It's Friday and I couldn't be any happier. I have two final exams left and then I'm done with my first semester of  college! I can't believe it! God has been so faithful and the things He has done in my life this semester are crazy. He is so good and continually captivates my heart. Jesus is the greatest pursuer and the ultimate love.  Living in this divine romance with Christ out beats everything. Something that God has really placed on my heart recently is how much the blood of Jesus impacts my everyday life.  It"s funny because I started this week with wanting to study purity and the Holy Spirit led me to Calvary. Honestly that's where purity begins, at the foot of the cross. Jesus began to deal with my heart and show me that purity starts with His blood. Not just sexual purity but pureness of mind, heart, and spirit. When we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior we are washed in His blood and we become the righteousness of God. When God sees us He no longer sees our sins but sees the pureness of Christ. "Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more." (Heb 10:17) When the enemy tries to attack us he sees the blood of Jesus and has to flee because he can not stand in God's presence. "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him." (Isaiah 59:19) The blood of Jesus is a covering and washing. It breaks strongholds and opens up the floodgates of heaven. It secures eternal life, brings healing. It is everything. Do you see how dependent we are? We can achieve nothing of ourselves. Even our praise and worship to God is enabled to us by His breathe. The blood of Jesus is powerful, precious, but also very humbling. Why? His blood gives us life. Without it there is no life. His blood brings us to the foot of the cross which causes us to kneel in a posture of worship saying "Lord I need you." I come from a family that pleads the blood of Jesus, some might say it's an old school Pentecostal thing but I think it's a biblical thing and I can see the power in it. The power of life and death is in the tongue, when we plead the blood we appeal to the victory of the cross and speak the wonder working power of the blood shed over any situation or person we might face. Pleading the blood works and I think it should be apart of every believers life. We have a new life all because of His blood and the thing is the blood of Jesus is not just a one time thing. So many Christians live thinking once they accept Jesus into their lives the blood washes them once and that's it. While it is true that there is that one moment where you become officially covered in his blood and sealed by His spirit, it's not just a one time event. The blood of Jesus doesn't rub off of you. You stay covered in it and have total access to the victory in it because of His body that was broken on the cross. It's a supernatural transformation. The natural mind can't comprehend how people get miraculously delivered from illness, depression, greed, envy, rage, malice. The natural mind can't understand how a person can go from being strung out on crack one week and then the next week being a completely changed person who is on their face crying out to God. It's not supposed to make sense, the blood of Jesus is not of this world but it has entered this world so that we can have life. Isn't His blood so precious! Just think about it, we are healed and set free from our past, sin, and shame, all because He shed His blood. It makes us holy and marks us as His. I don't know about you but I am so thankful to be marked as a child of the King. I know that His blood has secured me and covered me and that no weapon formed against me shall prosper all because of His sacrifice. If God never did another thing for me it would okay because He already has done everything I need. He has given me everlasting life through the wonder working power of His blood. Let's live with these words from Jesus always in our spirits "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you." (Luke 22:20). Drink from His cup and be satisfied. -Love Sofia


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