"As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you."-Isaiah 62:5
The more I seek Him, the more I find Him. This has become so true in my life. The more and more that I press into Jesus the more He meets me and overwhelms me in His presence. Jesus' heart beats for us. When the Holy Spirit revealed this truth to me it wrecked my world. I look back at my life and sometimes think "How in the world did I live without constantly being saturated in the presence of God" I realize that I wasn't truly living or fully alive. My heart had not yet been fully awakened by the lover of my soul because I had not yet surrendered. But oh the rush of glory that overtook my life when I truly surrendered to my King! We were created by God and for Him. We are not meant to be out of fellowship with the very One who formed our inmost being. You know how your heartbeats really fast when you're super excited or when you're with the person that you're in love with? That's how Jesus is with us. I believe that His heart beats fast and passionately for us. He is excited about us and takes the utmost joy in our fellowship with Him. A lot of this I'm just discovering.My Savior is letting me see myself through His eyes and it's changing my life. I've never been at a more intimate place in my life with Jesus than I am now. It all came out of surrender. Saying "Jesus I"m scared and hurting and I don't want to let go of my flesh but help me, I give all of me to You, please have my heart." I hear Him say "You don't have to say please I've been waiting for this moment." I share this with you guys because I believe God has placed a mantle over my life to minister to people by sharing my heart for Jesus and most importantly by sharing His heart for us. Living in the heartbeat of Jesus is many things. It's to realize that we can't do life without Him, It's to surrender our hearts, souls, and minds at His feet, Most importantly it's to step out of the "oh yeah I'm a Christian" mentality and to step into the glory filled love of our King. To live this life in the midst of the wild and relentless love of Jesus is to be in His heartbeat. Like I said earlier Jesus' heart beats for us. I want to express this truth with my life and words. I want people to experience life in the heartbeat of Jesus. I believe that I am alive to know Jesus and to make Him known. My heart beats for the presence of God and to see His supernatural love and glory fill His church and His people. My heart beats to see the sick healed, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. My heart beats to see chains broken off of peoples lives by the blood of Jesus. My heart beats to see salvation. My heart beats to see others experience the restoration found only in Jesus. I pray that as I take on this adventure of living in the heartbeat of Jesus that it not only effects my life but that it overflows into every life I encounter. I'm not perfect but my God is and I want His perfect love to flow out of my spirit so that others can encounter Him. Throughout this series I encourage you guys to pray to experience living in the heartbeat of Jesus. Pray that He changes your heart and removes everything from you that is not of Him. Jesus loves you, He is passionate about you, He wants all of you. His heart beats for you as if you were the only person on planet earth. This isn't just a one time event it's a lifestyle from glory to glory.- Sofia
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