Sunday, May 24, 2015

What Is Pentecost?

Happy Sunday everyone! I hope you all have been enjoying the weekend. Today has been wonderful! After a long week of work ( I mean really long) I got to go to church today and just get filled up on the Holy Spirit! I always look forward to going to my home church Calvary. It's one of my favorite places in the world. Today was Pentecost Sunday (I have to be honest every Sunday at my church is like Pentecost haha) but anyways it was so powerful! Seeing hundreds of people filled with the Holy Spirit for the first time is AMAZING. I love being reminded of the day that the Holy Spirit came to dwell on the inside of believers. The day the Holy Spirit filled us with a prayer language that would shake this world and make the devil shrink back in fear. God made available to every single believer the power to witness to the nations about the amazing love of Jesus. He gave us the power to cast out demons, raise the dead, heal the sick, and see an abundance of miracles, signs, and wonders all through the Holy Spirit. Tongues are powerful. They don't save you, nor are they a requirement to salvation, but they empower you to do the things of God on a whole nother level. There are times when I am to weak to pray my own human words, when I am to broken and I need the Holy Spirit to step in and pray on my behalf, that's where my heavenly language comes in. The fact that God has made available to us sinful humans to literally have God Himself pray through us, will never cease to amaze me. As amazing as speaking in tongues is, the power that it releases is even gretaer and the Holy Spirt behind it surpases it all. They Holy Spirit does more than pray through us. He leads us, speaks to us, comforts us, brings things to our remembrance and so much more. Pentecost is about receiving power. Not power to do as our flesh wills, but power to carry out the miraculous things of God and deny the flesh. I am thankful for Pentecost. I am thankful that on that day God gave us Himself in a new and fresh way. I pray that my life is constantly an outpouring of Pentecost and that I continue to be bold in the supernatural things of God. I also pray that the church as a whole does not shrink back into the cessationist view of "this is not real or for today." but that we boldly dive into the power of God and watch what happens when we let the Holy Spirit have full control. Lives will be saved, people will be healed, an no one will walk out of church feeling the same.  Like my pastor said in church today " So much of the church has been to Calvary for pardon but has not been to Pentecost for power." We need this power guys! I pray that each of you encounter Him in a new way and are filled with this powerful gift. It's for everyone! -Love Sofia

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. - Acts 2:1-4

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