Monday, April 8, 2013

Caution: Highly Flammable

Hey guys! It's day one of Fashionably Faithful's series "Being on fire for Christ in a world that only wants you to be warm" and I am so excited to present it to you. I hope that over the course of this series your eyes and hearts start to open to what God has really called us to do with our life's, and how we can stop being warm but on fire.


          1) Fire- 
a state, process, or instance of combustion in which fuel or other material is ignited and combined with oxygen, giving off light, heat, and flame.

Photo: Think about that :)What does it mean to be on Fire for Christ? Sometimes when people ask me about my relationship with Jesus or why I love him, or what it feels like,  I literally say I'm just so on fire for Christ.I sometimes get puzzled looks. When saying this I obviously don't literally mean, oh yeah I'm burning there is fire on me. I'm talking about the feeling that's in my heart. It's like this big warmth that just keeps building and building to the point of me wanting nothing else in my life but the satisfaction of God's love and word. I become so enveloped in his presence that I start to look at everything that's not of him, about him,or for him, as something crazy.I know this sounds pretty intense. And it is. But the thing is it's what's supposed to happen. There are so many Christians that settle for warmth. That settle for going to church on Sunday's and then when they leave they start listening to music that deny's Christ, or Go to the club on Friday and then go to a bible study the next day. These things are sinful and they contradict with a lifestyle that God has called us to live.If you look at Revelation 3:16 Jesus says this, "So because you are lukewarm neither hot nor cold- I am about to spit you out of my mouth."  I think the big problem is the ignorance we use toward the bible. So many Christians don't take the word of God seriously and literally. Do you realize what Jesus just said? He will spit you out of his mouth for being lukewarm. This is serious. It's not something to take lightly, it's not just another bible verse that a pastor uses to convict you. It is God giving us commands, and the consequences if we don't follow them. Being lukewarm leads to absolute nothingness. Jesus didn't say, "You can love me and say you're a Christian, and live however you want" He said " If you love me, you will obey my commands." John 14:15. I mean think about that do you really love Jesus enough to obey his commands, not just one but all. I showed you the definition of Fire at the top, I like to look at my self as the "fuel" or "other material" and I like to look at Christ as the oxygen. As soon as he meets with me, I give off light, heat, and flame. In the definition it also says the fire is either a state, process, or instance. Sometimes when I'm in Church I'm in a state of fire, I feel this yearning and burning as the pastor is preaching. My life is a never ending process of fire, the flames are always getting bigger and bigger. And sometimes I'll just have random instances where I'm like "man I just love God so much, I want to scream." My Pastor Jim Railey once said "I want you to look at you're neighbor ( person sitting next to you in church) and say neighbor watch out because I am highly flammable." Him saying this really opened my eyes to being on fire for Christ. The world doesn't want you to be, as a matter of fact there are "Christians" that say the bible shouldn't be taken so seriously (I used to be one of them) and that you don't have to be all Jesus crazy that's only for certain people. Well guess what? It's time to stop listening to the world, it's time to stop listening to people who say you shouldn't be so serious about Christ, because loving him and serving him is a serious thing. There's no time to be warm, that won't get you through.It's time to be radical for Christ, to put him before ourselves, and live differently than everyone else. It's time to be on fire for him, his love, and his word "for our "God is a consuming fire." Hebrews 12:29

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