Monday, July 13, 2015

The Process

Hey everyone! Happy Monday! It's been a while since I've last written a post and I miss it so much! I can't believe the summer is almost over. It has gone by so fast! Church yesterday touched me in anew and fresh way. God spoke to my heart and there was a moment in worship where I felt like Jesus was sitting right in front of me saying "Sofia I Love you I am Yours you are Mine." It was so powerful. Something that Jesus has been teaching me recently is to trust the process. Yesterday in church one of my pastors said something that stood out to me. "God does not always act as a microwave God, most of the time He acts as an oven." What does that mean? A lot of the time God is t going to do things instantly. It's not that He can't or that He won't. I've seen many times in my life where God instantly moves on my behalf, but I've also seen many times where He acts as an oven and takes me through a process before giving the competed work. I've found that I be fit from the process much more. I mean think about it what taste better a frozen microwave dish or a nice oven cooked homemade meal? In a world that constantly desires instant gratification it can become hard to trust God in the process. We want it right now. We don't want to wait and wait and wait and go through some things and learn some things before getting what we've been praying for. But what if that makes us more like Jesus and brings us closer to His heart? The process is not always going to be fun. Waiting is not always the easiest thing in the world. I've learned this from experience and I believe that I'm still learning this. I'm learning to trust God in the process. To have faith in Him even when I can not see and even when everything around me says I should otherwise. It's hard! But I know that trusting the process will reap an even greater blessing.  So whatever your process may be at the moment, dealing with difficult co-workers, waiting for a miracle, waiting for direction on what to do next, or just simply waiting to see God move on your behalf, know that you are more than a conqueror through Jesus and that no demon in hell can thwart the and that God has for your life. Jesus wants to give you the best. He's not interested in giving you a cheap quick microwave meal. He wants to give you the best of the best even if that means it has to cook a little longer. I hope you all have a blessed week, praying for each and every person who read this! - Love Sofia. 

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