Friday, June 26, 2015

Christians, how will you respond?

 My heart is burdened. Last night I fell asleep with the news of my middle eastern brothers and sisters being so brutally persecuted. Men drowned, women raped and then fed to animals, all because of this faith in Jesus. I woke up this morning to find that even more persecution has taken place. Suicide bombing, terrorist attacks. Then I see the hashtag #LoveWins flooding my timeline as if love is not a man named Jesus who hung on a cross bloody, and beaten because of our own sin but yet said "Father forgive them they know not what they do." My heart aches. There is so much brokeness and evil in this world. People are rejoicing over sin and ignoring the lost and hurting. People are getting more riled up over a festival where dogs are killed than they are about young girls who are getting fed to dogs because of their faith. This isn't right. Something is wrong. Unrighteousness makes headlines yet the cruel unjustice of the people who have no voice seems to sit on the shelf as the world passes by. And yet I hear God's voice say "how will you respond?" Christians, how are we going to respond? How are we going to respond to our persecuted brothers and sisters? How are we going to be a voice so loud that the media has to see, that justice has to be done? How are we going to respond with love to those who are lost? How are we going to respond to the supreme courts decision? How are we going to respond to ignorance and brokeness? As greatly as my heart is burdend I know that there is hope. As I ask myself these questions I know that the answer has already been supplied and it is found on a bloody cross. It is found in the nailed scared hands of my savior who says "I love you despite your mess." Jesus we are so in need of you. We must worship and pray like never before Church. We must get serious about these hard things and rely on the strength of Jesus to help us face them. Remember this: The Lord sits enthroned over the flood. - Psalm 29:10 
Even in this darkness, even in this chaos of evil and pain I know that God is good and that He has won the war. Jesus we love you. I really encourage you guys to just sit alone or together with someone and worship and pray. Pray for our nation, pray for our persecuted family, pray that we would see a revival like never before. And worship Jesus. It will move mountains but more importantly it will move our Fathers heart. - Sofia 

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